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Revisiting the Awe and Wonder of Coffee

Remember the Aeropress?

Sixteen years ago, a whimsical design spun from the brain of a famous frisbee innovator changed the way we play with coffee. This simple device winds up in the hands of enthusiasts everywhere, from the (way, way too) over exuberant recent coffee convert to the most famous baristas on the globe.

Maybe once, you were the over-exuberant coffee newbie making pour-overs with a budget french press (pictured above) just to see what would happen. Or maybe you are sitting on an idea—perhaps not even fully aware you have it— that could change your industry and remain steadfast years later.

Today’s podcast on photo fluorescence calls back on that naive curiosity—seasoned with a reasonable dose of coffee nerd spice--answering the simple question, “What does glowy coffee taste like?”

While you enjoy this excursion into blissful inquiry, I hope you wonder to yourself: What haven’t I tried? What tools could I add to my roastery to create an environment of discovery?

The Pearl Mini is a tool of cold, hard math and precision engineering. And it can be implemented to maximize that lab-coat environment. But we wrap it with inspirational design and elegant use-ability to protect the whimsical, naive curiosity lurking in each of us, so you can draw on wonder every time you turn it on.

What would you do with a Pearl Mini?

Talk To An Expert

Check out our podcast with Nicholas, who spent an afternoon playing with our Pearl Mini Color Sorter and photo fluorescent beans to create a surprisingly delightful cup of coffee.

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