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Designing with Empathy: The Latest Destoner Lift

Sovda’s design philosophy is simple: Make machines that specialty coffee roasters need, enjoy, and can afford.

Empathetic Design

For our Lead Engineer, Michael Williams, this means designing with the roasters in mind and this is exactly how our Destoner Lift was born.

Roasters are either running the risk of stones making it into their coffee and destroying their best customer’s grinder if they are not destoning, or they’re spending a lot of money and taking up space on a standalone destoner. 

We asked the question“How can we make this better and easier for roasters?”

If there’s already airflow as the Lift conveys coffee, why not add a Destoner and get rid of stones simultaneously? Not only does our Destoner Lift ensure that your coffee is stone-free but it saves time and money by eradicating the expense of an extra machine and shortening your workflow. 

Sovda began by making machines that were specific to coffee and affordable for micro-roasters, but we didn’t stop there. We’re constantly improving our designs to make them more enjoyable for you.

We noticed that our customers were putting their hands in their bags to open them, so we created Precision Fill filling heads to open and form the bag for them. Thus, eliminating an extra and less sanitary step in their workflow.

Empathetic Design

Here’s what our Technical Brand Ambassador Nicholas Flatoff had to say about our latest Destoner Lift: 

“We just launched a new Destoner revision, that's you know, just so solid and it's not that our other ones were bad—they worked really well and better than similar price destoners that don't do conveyance. And ours is a built-in destoner and conveyance system. 

“But I remember installing them a year and a half ago, and six months ago, so seeing how the product's improving—it's really, really cool.” 

Listen to our interview between Nicholas Flatoff and Michael Williams as they talk about Sovda’s process behind creating functional, beautiful, and affordable machines.

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