Customer Spotlight: Leuchtfeuer

At the beginning of 2021, Sovda set a goal to establish twenty new demo sites by the end of the year.

This would mean finding—or being found by—twenty different roasteries around the world who are at the forefront of innovation in the coffee industry. Those that would carry Sovda’s unique solutions into the future of coffee.

Our demo site partner, Leuchtfeuer Coffee, in Hamburg, Germany is just that—a specialty coffee roastery at the forefront of innovation.

In this video, founder Alexander Lipphardt gives us a tour of his roastery from storing to sealing, and talks more about the impact of color sorting on their coffee quality. Lipphardt uses the Pearl Mini to color sort coffee from 18 different origins.

“Just imagine you’re drinking and enjoying a beautiful Kenyan coffee, with its black currants and nice acidity, and you have two or one or three of these quakers in your batch—it ruins your cup of coffee or your shot of espresso.” Lipphardt said in the video. “So getting rid of the quakers is super important to us from a quality point of view.”

Since we set out with our twenty demo site partner goal at the beginning of the year, we’ve added twelve demo sites to the Sovda community in: The USA, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Latvia, Denmark, The Netherlands, Ireland, Kuwait, and Argentina.

Which means we’re still looking for eight more demo sites partners till the end of the year.


We are on the lookout for roasteries in: Australia, New Zealand, England, Germany (Berlin), Sweden, Belgium (Brussels), Korea, Japan and Ethiopia.

Are you in one of these countries? Great, apply here.

Demo Site Application

If you aren’t in one of these countries, but you’d like to become a demo site—fill out the form and we’ll consider your application anyway.

If you’d like to learn more about the program and Sovda’s production lineup, talk to one of our Technical Brand Ambassadors.

Talk to an Expert

We love featuring our partners and sharing inspiring stories. Last month, we featured Rosso in Calgary, Canada. And we will continue to showcase these roasteries and the people behind them. Stay tuned.


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