Customer Spotlight: Rosso Coffee Roasters

Featuring Rosso Coffee Roasters

Rosso Coffee Roasters in Calgary, Canada is the first North American specialty coffee roaster to integrate two Pearl Minis into their workflow—for green coffee and roasted coffee.

Watch this video created by Rosso Coffee Roasters to hear about how they are using optical sorting to upgrade their coffee quality.

Rosso mentions two other important benefits that are integral to Sovda: Improving the work-life of roasters (preventing them from wasting time on monotonous tasks that can be done with machinery) and nurturing long-term relationships with coffee farmers.

Talk to one of our Technical Brand Ambassadors to find out how optical sorting can improve your specialty coffee roastery.

Talk to An Expert

Did you hear about Sovda’s newest custom engineering initiative? Listen to Technical Brand Ambassador, Nicholas Flatoff, and COO, Michael Williams, have a conversation about Sovda’s, “Custom House.”

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Customer Spotlight: Caravan


Introducing Custom House