Brand Promise: Quality Materials and Workmanship

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Can you feel it?

It’s the craftsman’s spirit

Only becoming more beautiful the closer you draw near it

Seamless welds trace its border

The one and only color sorter

Its clean lines

Inspired by Nordic design

Tell the tale

Of a craftsman who wouldn’t fail

With heart invested

Designs tried and tested

They set out to make a thing of glory

A machine with no evidence of hurry

And for what purpose?

Doesn’t it make you think

Why so much excellence for a morning drink?

We’ll go on a whim

And say it’s imprinted within

To be so meticulous, so utterly ridiculous

That you create a work of art

The intention from the start 

Was this courtship

Of quality materials and workmanship 

And now that inspiration has been sown

It’s time to create something of your own

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Part II of our interview with Jon Allen from Onyx Coffee Lab is out now

If you missed Part I, click the buttons above to see the list of our Sovda podcasts


Revisiting the Awe and Wonder of Coffee


Sovda’s Destoner Lift: Kill two birds—with no stones